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Friday, July 25, 2008 @6:25 AM

Just realised i have been pretty depressed again lately... i did smth depressing in sch today.. why? because of u... its all yr fault!!!! and what did i do???? im not telling... but it was really bad... i did it once last year... but that was for fun.. this time it was for real...:(

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 @11:06 PM

Sorry for not blogging so long but it really isn't my fault... have not used the computer for days alr... so going to post about the week's activities... so most interesting thing that happened this week should be.... Sherry Tan's birthday party!!!!

Monday(sherry tan's birthday party)
ok so.. after sch,first we went to far east, get smth for sherry then proceeded to raffles town club... haha then sherilyn's mum super funny... was like calling sherilyn "ah girl ah" haha... gave us a good laugh.. After that,went to the bowling alley... and the most terrible thing happened!!! Weilin was the first one to bowl,so she took the ball walked to the front then suddenly fall down. haha it was super funny:) all of us there was laughing like crazy... haha:) Then after her was me and the thing was... i fell down too!!! i was super surprised lah... so after falling i sat there for about 20 secs laughing... super funny:)

Then me and hanzhen were supposed to rush back for malay convo but we havent ate lunch so when we went to say bye bye to sherry's mum,she made her us stayed back for lunch... so... we were like late for malay... then we started thinking of what excuses we could tell our malay teacher.. in the end what we came up with was smth like:oh we were walking to the bus stop whan it started raining and we were drenched so we went back home to change and then the bus broke down and we had to wait for another bus... that's why we were late... so crappy right?

Dont know why was super gloomy... probably because of the boring research studies.. sigh.. After that,philo!!! worse still... sigh.. thers nothing interesting left anymore... MY LIFE IS BORING!!!:(

Sunday, July 20, 2008 @6:50 AM


well, i'm not jingwen again! haha i'm just dont want to see her blog gone d-e-a-d! haha

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @6:43 AM

Yay!! im finally blogging:) I shall talk about sch nats.. miss it alot:( Sch nats was basically fun,i mean after u finish all yr events theres nothing to worry about already... can have fun:)


Had my 100 and 200 free finals... 200 in the morning and 100 in the afternoon... i dont think i did well for 200 lah:( my time was slower than heats... lousy timing... but it wasnt entirely my fault.... i was freaking out cause cheryl tan and kay lynn was swimming beside me... they were super duper scary lah... especially kay lynn, go so fast for heats and i ended up scolding her right after getting up frm the pool haha:) oh and i also told my mummy that kay lynn bullied me... haha,kay lynn,haha...
So after that kinda emo for a while... during lunch break.. but by the time afternoon session start,i was okay already cause needed to get ready for 100 free...then went all out... did pretty well:) for me lah... did 1.01.69:) super happy with the timing... jump for joy:)

Wednesday(grand finals)

Had freestyle relay and i started freaking out like 5 mins b4 event... in the end, rg got first but i did horrible timing... anyway,after everything... I GOT DUNKED THREE TIMES!!! First,by some sports sch people,then by amanda toh(shes seriously strong.. practically carried me and threw me into the pool)lastly by BFF(BIG FAST FREAK-HAHA,JKJK)... But i have to admit,sec sch nats was so much more fun than pri sch nats... pri sch didnt get to dunk people in cause the teachers didnt allow... haha..losers:)

Anyway,got to go... thats all for today.. try to blog again next time:)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @5:04 AM

hey ppl! i'n not jingwen here.
but i'm helping her to keep this blog alive!
haha, well today i(jingwen) went to sports school to help rgs with like asking her
swimmings to go into my school(rgs)...

and half way through, she was amanda toh.
haha, i'm(jingwen) glad that i got this type of funny friend! haha
she is crazy! and then we saw anissa!
whoops, i(jingwen) didnt train today i think...
haha amanda toh also drop me(jingwen) into the pool.
haha, then thats one girl called joey...
sorry i dont know how to spell. joey was following us too!
haha, oppss!
jing wen, we forget to take picture!
tsk, next time! haha kk, i'm tired alrd.
Jing wen, pls reply tags! haha

bye world!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 @11:10 PM

Haha... im so excited.. posting for the first time.. im being lame... but i finally found the time to create my blog, just after sch nats.. haha... sch nats was fun... going to miss it(alot)... Just realised i always use ....(dots) at the end of each sentence.

Ok so im going to do some random quiz now... (being forced to)

2.Shu ying
3.Sarah Lai
5.Alicia Chiang
6.Clarissa Tan
7.Stacey Teng
8.Pei Bing
9.Rachel Tay
11.Yin wen
14.Yun zhi
15.Maeghan Lee
16.Amanda Toh
17.Cheryl Goh
19.Melisa Tay
20.Melanie Tay

How did you meet 14?
Yunzhi- p5,p6 mg class mate:)

What will u do if u don't meet 1?
Hanzhen-i won't have so many table tennis friends

What if 9 and 20 date?
Rachel Tay and Melanie Tay- haha, both tays... so does that mean they are together alr?

Will 6 and 17 ever be together?
Clarissa Tan and Cheryl Goh-Em i don't think so... Both of them have completely different personalities but who knows? After all they say ''opposites attract'' :)

Describe 3.
Sarah Lai- A bit mean,always trying to make me jealous... but at least i know her little secret:)

Is 8 attractive?
Pei Bing-um... i have no comments...

Descibe 7.
Stacey Teng- just go to woodbridge mental hospital to see a sample of her..

Know any of 12's family members?
Jayne- yeah, a brother...

What will u do if 18 broke down?
BFG-haha,i kinda doubt if she will ever break down lah... shes a fast freak and have many boys liking her...

What language does 15 speaks?
Maeghan lee-i know for one thing maeghan cant speak chinese for nuts... and she probably cant speak other languages so it would be english..

Who is 9 going out with?
Rachel tay- haha, rite... i know last time it was ashneo then when she went to swimfast, she probably got other boys so currently... i have no idea..

How old is 16?
Amanda toh- i think shes 12, or maybe 13 or maybe 14... cause she keeps thinking im sec 2...

Describe 5.(this question is requested by alicia herself)
Alicia chiang-damn smexy.. :)

Haha.. im finally done:)


hey you!
no spamming
blah, blah, blah


NAME: Teo Jing Wen


Swimmers Links
Amanda Kuan
Amanda Khoo!
Amanfa Toh!
Chun Yen
Hui yu!<3
Jing wen
Marie chong
Rachel Tay!
RGS swimteam!<3
Ting Yi!
Sarah Lai!
Zhe Kang



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008